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Forget Electronics, This 3D-Printed Robotic Gripper Uses Air To Grasp Objects
A team of researchers from UC San Diego have developed a 3D-printed robotic gripper that doesn’t require electronics to grasp objects, just air. The gripper...
Maintenance and maintenance of punch feeder
First. Operation safety 1. Two people cannot operate a machine at the same time, otherwise it will cause the machine to start suddenly and cause...
Types and selection of commonly used cutting tools in CNC machining centers
1. Types and characteristics of cutting tools commonly used in digital animal processing CNC machining tools must adapt to the characteristics of high speed, high...
Maintenance method of Siemens CNC system
If the monitoring light blinks at 1hz, the eprom is faulty. If the flashing frequency is 2hz, the plc is faulty. If it flashes at...
Daily maintenance and maintenance of CNC machining center
The daily maintenance and maintenance of CNC machining centers are generally carried out by operators. Therefore, the operator of the machining center should understand the...
Posts Grid
Make a chatbot with TensorFlow
The structure of this article: Schematic diagram of chatbot architectureUsing TensorFlow to implement Chatbot modelHow to prepare chatbot training dataInterpretation of Chatbot source code li>...
Chatbot based on tensorflow
** A chatbot based on tensorflow ** A chat robot based on Tensorflow, mainly based on machine deep learning, adopts the seq2seq+Attention model, first uses...
Install TensorFlow2.8.0 on win10
Foreword Install TensorFlow, the system is win10, python is 3.9.7, conda is 4.10.3, and the installed TensorFlow version is 2.8.0 1. Install Anaconda It has...
Install tensorflow (cpu version) on win10
If you have any questions, please correct me, if there is any infringement, please delete the text in private chat Article directory 1. Environment required...
Win11-Tensorflow2.0 (GPU) latest version installation
Installation of the latest version of Tensorflow2.0 (GPU) CPU version installation View CUDA version View the corresponding version on the official website Install Tensorflow Sequence...
win10 install tensorflow
1. Download Anaconda Click to install, click the next step according to the default settings, and keep clicking conda --version 2. Install tensorflow Open...